Activity Ideas & Tips

Following are some activity ideas and talk tips for parents with their young children.


A rocking toy that will engage your child's curiosity, imagination and physical abilities.

Activity details & tips

Toys for this activity


Praise your child at each attempt, celebrate the small success.

Play with Others

Give your child lots of opportunities to play with other children.

Giant Obstacle Course

Set up an obstacle course and encourage children to complete, play some music and for older children make it a race.

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Toys for this activity

Rubber chicken & pig

Activity details & tips

Toys for this activity

Fling sock

Activity details & tips

Toys for this activity

Teach coping techniques

Teach your child simple coping techniques (take a deep breath or count to 10) when they become frustrated

Ball Play Type Activities

Consider using a variety of balls from our ball selection to incorporate with the many activity ideas provided. Listed activities are ideal for children 0-3yrs of age.

Activity details & tips

Omnikin Ball Soccer

Instead of using a standard soccer ball, swap out for any sized omnikin ball - these balls are lighter and larger to make the game more fun and challenging.

Toys for this activity

Hot Potato

Hot potato is a party game that involves players gathering in a circle and tossing a small object such as a beanbag or tennis ball to each other while music plays. Swap out for any sized ball! The player who is holding the "hot potato" is out when the music stops. Play continues until only one player is left.


Providing parachute games for our toddlers is a wonderful way to blend music and group interaction. Children can have fun learning how it moves up, down, and around; they can also have the opportunity to go under and on top.

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Toys for this activity

Teeter Poppers

A teeter board that can be used to rock, roll, sit in or stand... kids can use in whatever way they can imagine.

Activity details & tips

Toys for this activity


Tunnels challenge children to move in various ways including the coordination of different muscle groups, turn taking, and evokes problem-solving skills.

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Toys for this activity

Consistent Routines

Have consistent routines to help your child feel secure

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