Activity Ideas & Tips

Following are some activity ideas and talk tips for parents with their young children.

Creative Activities

Allow your child to do activities such as coloring, writing, drawing, finger painting, eating finger foods, and play dough

Grasping Skills

Offer opportunities for your infant to play with rattles and one toy at a time to begin to learn grasping skills

Ball Play Type Activities

Consider using a variety of balls from our ball selection to incorporate with the many activity ideas provided. Listed activities are ideal for children 0-3yrs of age.

Activity details & tips

Play with Rattles and One Toy at A Time

Offer opportunities for your infant to play with rattles and one toy at a time to begin to learn grasping skills.

Hot Potato

Hot potato is a party game that involves players gathering in a circle and tossing a small object such as a beanbag or tennis ball to each other while music plays. Swap out for any sized ball! The player who is holding the "hot potato" is out when the music stops. Play continues until only one player is left.


6 vibrant and weighted Tobbles used to stack, topple, spin, balance, wobble, tilt, wiggle and roll.

Activity details & tips

Toys for this activity

Puzzles, matching objects, etc.

Play with puzzles, matching objects and play dough.

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